August 2022
“Revive us again, fill each heart with thy love. May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah! Amen! Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Revive us again.” W. P. Makay gave the bride of Christ that beautiful hymn, Revive Us Again. The quote above comes from the 4th verse and the chorus. They constitute a prayer containing petitions and praises.
While our God is in the heavens and does whatever He pleases, based on Biblical passages and redemptive history, we may safely conclude that revival is unlikely to come to the church apart from the prayers of God’s people. Prayer was certainly a catalyst for the great Welsh Revival in 1904.
The life of Evan Roberts and the story of the Welsh Revival are truly intertwined. Reared in godly home and rooted in the fear of the Lord, the young coal miner would not leave home without his Bible. At every opportunity, he opened and read it. Approaching the age of 20, Roberts longed for more. After seeking the Lord through the night, he arose from his prayer surrendered to God. “Evans had also a deep life of intercession.” (
His prayers, as well as others no doubt, gave rise to a great revival that drew people from near and far—even America. The Spirit of God did a great work as people gathered to sing and to pray and to repent and to confess. The people and the population were transformed. Life was so upended that, according to one story, horses in the mine who were accustomed to cursing and profanity were afterwards confused because their drivers swore no more. Let’s pray for such a life-changing revival.
Bro. Kyle Jones, Pastor
God has truly blessed the worship service through song and praise. Our musicians and Praise Team put in a lot of time and effort in preparation for worship. They prepare our hearts for the wonderful message brought by Bro. Kyle. Please make sure to tell these talented people thank you for serving.
On another note, we are always looking for volunteers for Special music.
If you would be willing to share your talents, please see me.
Bro. Harlen
Youth Ministry
We continue our Bible study
on Wednesday nights,
“Walk through the Gospel of Mark.”
Sunday School - 9 AM
Sunday Discipleship Training - 5 PM
Wednesday Night - 6:30 PM
We look forward to seeing you here!!
Friday, August 5, 6 PM - Midnight
Grades 6 - 12 are invited to attend
Come join us for this time of fellowship!!
If you missed our July meeting, you missed a great time with our Sheriff’s Dept. There was plenty of food, fellowship, and an informative talk about fraud. The goodie basket we prepared was thoroughly enjoyed!
We will meet August 2 for fun and fellowship- no speaker. The meal will be finger foods. Bring a friend and enjoy our time together.
Our September meeting will host Rep. Jensen Owen, so it will be a meeting you do not want to miss.
Love u all! Reva
August 2022 - Upcoming Church Events
1 - Minister’s Fellowship - 10:30 AM - Union B.C.
2 - Young at Heart Luncheon - Noon
3 - Prayer Walk Schools - 6 - 8 PM
5 - Youth Lock-In - 6 PM - Midnight
6 - Son & Father Fishing Rodeo - 6:30 AM - Assoc. Lake
7 - Deacon Meeting - 4 PM
7 - 50th Anniv. Planning - 4 PM
17 - Special-Called Business Mtg. - 6:30 PM
Present Committees/Teachers for 2022-2023
24 - Special-Called Business Mtg. - 6:30 PM
Discussion of Committees/Teachers for 2022-2023
28 - Vote on Nominations - AM Service
28 - Men’s Breakfast Fellowship - 8 AM
Men’s Ministry Breakfast Fellowship
Sunday, August 28th, at 8 AM
All Men, Youth, and Boys are invited to attend.
Sunday, August 7 at 4 PM
We will be celebrating the 50th anniversary/homecoming of our church on Sunday, October 2nd. Plans are underway and we encourage you to pass the word to former members inviting them to attend along with us. Former staff members will be participating in praise and worship, and a charter member will give a historical presentation. The service will begin at 10:30 a.m., and a specially-prepared lunch will follow. God has truly blessed Central Baptist Church throughout these years, and our prayer is to continue being a lighthouse in our community drawing folks to Him.
We are excited to announce that we have a bus ministry that runs every Wednesday evening. If you know of a child that doesn’t go to church, please get with me. We would love to reach out to them. Our prayer is that the bus ministry will grow and that we will be able to run it on Sundays too.
I know we have a couple of months before our Fall Fest, which will be October 30, 4 - 6 PM. It is time to start thinking about what God would want you to do during this outreach opportunity. We will be adding a few things to it this year, stay tuned for that!! May God Bless each and every one of you.
Love, Mary and the Children’s Committee
Wednesday, August 3, 6 - 8 PM
Prayer Walking Guide
S - Students
C - Cooperation
H - Homes
O - Organizations
O - Opportunities
L - Leaders
Our Administrative Assistant is planning to leave her position at the end of August.
We are looking to fill this position, Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - Noon. If you are interested
in this job opening, please see a Deacon
or Bro. Kyle. Thanks!
***Volunteer Needed for Shoebox Coordinator***
Operation Christmas Child
It’s time to start filling Shoeboxes!!
Pick-up Shoebox, Fill, & Return with $10 for shipping
Some items to include in your shoebox:
Wash Cloths, Hair Stuff, Pencils, Pens, Toothbrushes, Scissors, Small Baby Dolls or Barbies, Small Cars, Stuffed Animals, Small Card Games, Soap, Combs, Brushes, Glue Sticks, Markers, Colors, Paper, Notebooks