Saturday, December 4 at 4 PM
Children’s Christmas Caroling
Friday, December 10 at 6 PM
Young Adult Class Party
At the home of Jonathan & Shanna Keough
5 N. Reba Dr., Carriere
Bring your favorite party food and desserts.
Bring a gift, $15 max.
Sunday, December 12 at 10 AM
Children’s Christmas Program
Wednesday, December 15 at 6 PM
Children’s Christmas Party
Friday, December 17 at 6 PM
Mixed Adult Christmas Party
Jack's Fish House
Sunday, December 19 at 5 PM
Youth Christmas Party
Friday, December 24 at 6 PM
Candlelight/Communion Service
Christmas Series
“The Problem with Christmas”
November 28 - Let’s Celebrate God’s Unexpected Grace - Matthew 1:18-23
December 5 - Let’s Celebrate the Undeserved Gift of Jesus - Luke 19:10
December 12 - Let’s Celebrate that God Can Do the Unbelievable - Philippians 2:5-11
December 19 - Let’s Celebrate That God’s Goodness is Undeniable - Luke 2:8-20
This has been an amazing quarter century. We have experienced good times and bad times, but the good times outnumber the bad. We have been of one mind and one accord which is what God wants. The big highlight is the times we have had in the choir, the cantatas, the senior choir festival, all the times we have offered our praise to God. The fellowship , the love we have shared, I have a giant bucket of all the sweet memories. Look how many children have been born in this time, how time flies. God had blessed us all! What a wonderful time we have had, I will surely miss it. All of you have a special place in my heart. I truly love all of you. God Bless us all. Love, Bro. Danny
If you missed our November luncheon, you missed a true blessing.
Meda had our tables beautifully decorated and we had lots of good "Thanksgiving food"!
There was so much, most of us took home to-go plates!
Personally, I was thankful I didn't have to cook that night!!!!!
We had thirty-three in attendance, counting three guests.
It was a wonderful time of fellowship, laughter, and thanksgiving.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, we all have so much to be thankful for.
As Bro. Danny and Bro. Kevin reminded us, we need to be thankful for all things- good or bad.
If we have a thankful heart, we have a new perspective on the situation.
For December, we voted to sponsor two angels from our angel tree using some of our funds from our account.
Thank you, Kandy, for shopping for us! You always do a great job!
I encourage each of you to join us December 7th for our December luncheon.
Since most will be cooking during Thanksgiving holidays, we will have finger foods for this luncheon.
Bring plenty of Christmas goodies, sandwiches, chips,....anything we can eat with our fingers!!!
Our special guest will be Mary Beth Magee, a local author and storyteller, who will share a Christmas story with us.
It should be just what we need to get into the Christmas season!
In closing, focus on being thankful in all things and reach out and invite friends
to join us as we fellowship together and love each other.
Love you all.
Student Ministry News
Sunday Night Youth
December 5 - Our Christmas visit to the Baptist Children’s Village.
Meet in the Fellowship Hall after Morning Worship
December 12 - Christmas Serve Project
December 19 - Youth Christmas Party and Bonfire. This will take place at the Church.
It will be an evening of a BIG BONFIRE, s'mores and other food, and a Christmas Message.
Christmas Parade - Monday, December 6
Our Church will have a float in the local Christmas Parade developed by our Student Ministry.
If you would like to participate in this event, please see Shanna Keough.
Generate Summer Camp 2022
June 13th – 17th at La Tech in Ruston, LA.
$75 deposit is due by Sunday, January 16
Scholarships are available.
See Pastor Kevin for assistance
Biloxi Hockey Game - Friday, December 17
Cost is $10.00
Meet at the church at 4:45 pm
Don’t Miss The Gathering
Wednesday Night at 6:15 pm
Dinner @ 6:15 pm and Bible Study @ 6:30 pm.
We will continue our Jesus and Relationship Series and have some Christmas fun.
December 2021 - Upcoming Church Events
4 -Children’s Christmas Caroling - 4 PM
5 - Budget Vote - AM Service
5 - Deacon Meeting - 4 PM
6 - Minister’s Fellowship - 10:30 AM - LCC
6 - Christmas Parade
7 - Young at Heart Luncheon - Noon
7 - Men’s Ministry Mtg. - 6: 30 PM - LCC
9 - Minister & Spouse Christmas Dinner - 6:30 PM - LCC
10 - Y. Adult Sunday School Class Party - 6 PM
12 - Angel Tree gifts due
12 - Children’s Christmas Program - 10 AM
15 - Children’s Christmas Party - 6 PM
17 - Student Activity - Biloxi Hockey - 4:45 PM
17 - Mixed Adult Class Party - 6 PM - Jack's Fish House
19 - Youth Christmas Party - 5 PM
22 - No Wednesday Night Services
24 - Candlelight/Communion Service - 6 PM
25 - Christmas Day
26 - No PM Services
31 - New Year’s Eve
Men’s Ministry Breakfast Fellowship
A Staff Christmas Love Offering is being collected through our AM Service on Sunday, Dec. 19
Merry Christmas from the CBC Staff
Bro. Kevin Gantt, Bro. Danny Johnson, Bro. Jesse Jones, Matty Jo Fox, & Kandy Mitchell
Angel Tree gifts are due in by Sunday, December 12
Please do not wrap the gifts.
Use gift bags or put in a white garbage bag.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Our Church Goal: $2,000.00
Our December 2021 Centralite will be our last bulk mailed newsletter.
This is due to falling under the minimum number of mailings to be sent in bulk.
Beginning January 2022, we will be publishing our Centralite Newsletter on Facebook and on our Church website.
Printed copies will be available in each foyer.
If you can not view online or pick-up a copy, we will mail you a copy.
Please notify the Church office.