Sunday, March 09, 2025 - Morning Worship


10:00 AM



Welcome & Announcements - Bro. Kyle    

   Fellowship Time - "The Family of God" - #393

Deacon Prayer

Call to Worship - "Down at the Cross" - #252

Gran Gran's Pals

Responsive Reading - See Insert

Hymn of Praise - "Blessed Redeemer" - #258

Hymn of Praise - "I Saw the Cross of Jesus" - #253

Offertory Hymn - "Amazing Grace" - #104 



 Worship through Tithes and Offerings

  Special Music

Message From God's Word - Bro. Kyle Jones

  If I Be Lifted Up form the Earth

John 12: 27-33 KJV

Hymn of Commitment - "At Calvary" - #245

The Lord's Supper - 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26

Hymn of Testimony -"Near the Cross" - #233

Benediction - "At the Cross" - #255