November 2022




November 2022

Four hundred and two years ago, in November 1620, the Mayflower pulled into Provincetown Harbor with the Pilgrims aboard. Motivated by their faith in God, they had left Europe in search of religious freedom. They lived out of the Mayflower through the winter months by ferrying goods back and forth, and did not start moving ashore entirely until March. After seeing almost no signs of Native Americans (Indians), they were greatly surprised when Samoset walked into their camp and welcomed them in broken English. He told them of another Native who spoke better English, Tisquantum—the man we know as Squanto.

In the Providence of God, He had sent before them a “savior” of sorts in the man Squanto. His story is one of human badness and divine goodness. Unfortunately for Squanto, he had been the victim of another European’s greed. Several other Natives, along with him, while being friendly to the earlier Europeans, were captured, carried to Spain, and sold for slaves.  There, by divine lot, Tisquantum was “bought” by some friars from Malaga, Spain. They taught him English and introduced him to the Christian faith.

As it turns out, by Divine Providence, Squanto arranged to return to his homeland, America. Sadly, his own native village had been wiped out by some plague (tuberculosis or smallpox or both). As painful as his ordeal had been, the Lord used it to pluck him as a brand from the burning and to provide assistance to the Pilgrims that almost certainly spared them death. Dear reader, the same Lord is working out His plan for His glory and for the good of those who love Him.

Bro. Kyle Jones, Pastor


This week I have been sitting on my front porch and enjoying the beautiful weather. The wind blowing in the trees and the quiet of the woods brought peace and rest to my soul. One morning, a small bird began singing at the top of his voice, and I imagined he was joyfully singing praises to the Lord. How wonderful it would be to have the joy of the little bird and sing praises to God at the top of our voices with a joyful spirit! Can you imagine God's delight?!

  I challenge each of you to begin worship joyfully and with a heart full of praise. What a great start to Sunday worship!


Our Young at Heart group did not meet in October because of Homecoming and Revival, but we will meet November 1 at noon for our Thanksgiving luncheon. Please bring your favorite dishes and enjoy a time of good food and fellowship. Invite a friend to join us and be ready to share some of your blessings.

  Speaking of blessings, wasn't our revival wonderful?! God truly revived many hearts and blessed our attendance. It was great that so many of our seniors were faithful in attendance, and we appreciate those who helped with transporting them to service.

  Our "White Out" project for the Baptist Children's Village will conclude soon, so if you have not donated, there's still time.


 We continue our Bible study on

 Wednesday nights, 

“Walk through the Gospel of Mark.” 

Sunday School - 9 AM

Sunday Discipleship Training - 5 PM

Wednesday Night - 6:30 PM

We look forward to seeing you here!

Exciting things are happening in our

 Children’s Ministry. Children age 4-6th grade are invited to join us

 Sundays at 5 pm, and 

Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.

The budget for the upcoming year will be presented on November 2,

and will be discussed on November 16, 2022 at 6: 30 PM

Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 4 PM

Daylight Saving Time Ends!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Shoebox Dedication November 13, 2022

Morning Service

Thursday, November 24, 2022 Office Closed

Men’s Ministry Fellowship Breakfast

Sunday, November 27, 2022 at 8 AM

All Men, Youth, and Boys are invited to attend.

We will be decorating a Christmas Tree this year. Tree will be put up November 27. You are welcome to bring in decorations to help make our tree special to each of us.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022